5 Amazon Wigs You should try!

Now, wigs are obviously popular in the drag community, but for baby queens, it can feel like a risk to jump straight to a £100 wig. Even queens who are a little strapped for cash will feel the pressure to have a big, expensive wig!

To help those of us who want to dabble in wigs, but don’t want to break the bank doing so, I’ve scoured Amazon for the best budget wigs that you should try!

Read on to discover 5 Amazon wigs you should try…


This wig is a classic straight, blonde number with transparent lace. This wig a good place to start if you want a sleek look without the styling complications of bigger, curly wigs. The colour options allow for a choice between dark roots or no roots!

Click here to get this wig.


This black beauty is a thick, curly piece. This would be a great choice if you’re looking for a bit of volume. The natural colour makes it versatile and reusable with dozens of different looks. This wig is available in a variety of colour choices, a shade to suit every queen!

Click here to get this wig


This wig is a little more playful with its dusty pink hue. This wig is sleek and elegant, its a great way to add a pop of colour to any outfit. This hair colour has become more and more popular, so why not jump on the bandwagon and ride it all the way to the club!

Click here to get this wig


This wavy wig is great for a fun, natural look. Alike number 2, the natural colour provides a neutral base, making it a versatile essential! The waves of this wig are more relaxed and casual, giving you more styling freedom!

Click here to get this wig


This cute pink piece is great to just whack on and head out! The colour of this wig also makes it ideal to brighten up your look. Because of the fringe, there’s no need to fuss about hairlines and lace, allowing you to relax and enjoy whatever dragtastic event you’re at!

Click here to get this wig

I hope this list helped you find some new wig inspiration for your next look!

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